Monday, May 21, 2007

Playing Badminton

Ok, so I finally went and played badminton. I still think it's corny and as gay as roller blading but I am only doing it because of my team.

We've pretty much started the Thursday Basketball group going on in my company right now but 2 of my guys don't know rat's ass from dribbling the leather ball so I had to reluctantly agree to badminton. Maybe it's superficial, but maybe on a subconscious level, it really is hard for me to reconcile being involved in a sweaty activity that involves hitting something called a "cock". Or maybe I'm just finally starting to shed off the last remaining piece of my homophobic existence.

Well, whatever it is, now it's on every Tuesday. So we have Tuesdays for shuttlecocks and Thursdays for hoops. If only I could ressurect my boxing sessions and put it on Sundays then I'd be all set.


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