Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I just found out that they have now began filming Rocky VI. The 59-year old Rocky Balboa is gonna go back to the ring and slug it out with a heavyweight champ? Good grief! Sly defend's the story's premise by saying "You're never too old to climb a mountain, if that's your desire." Heck, you can jump in front of a speeding bus, if that's what you want. But that really doesn't make it such a cool fucking idea does it? It is really beyond me how they think this applies to letting old farts box in the ring. What can I say? Only in Hollywood.

Don't they understand the Rocky franchise died at the last ice age? But I guess that's what you get for patrionizing Sly's boxing reality tv show. Now the old geezer thinks he can string a comeback out of his dormant career. What's next? Another Rambo? God help us!

Recently saw the movie Wallace & Gromit with the wife and daughter. I must say that for a movie made out of play-doh, it was more entertaining than other films with real actors in them. Also saw the Corpse Bride which was also OK, but this required a little bit more effort to explain some of the characters to my 5 yr old daughter.

Interesting how these animated and other "kiddie" flicks turn up to actually have very mature content in them. Sometimes, the story lines and character development are far better than most of the adult drama or action films that we have.

Case in point, Transporter 2. What the fuck was up with that? I was a big fan of the original movie. Sadly, the sequel never lived up to even half of the original one. The movie was filled with impossible moves, plots, sub-plots, and stupid scenarios. I felt like watching professional wrestling after watching UFC, you just can't enjoy it. A friend defended it by saying it was one of those dumb action movies that you just sit through and enjoy with a pop corn. Granted that the story was idiotic... I still didn't enjoy the dumb ass action!

A History of Violence was a good movie. Haven't seen movies like this in a while (except of course for Sin City) and it was a nice break to see that kind of character development and building tension in the silver screen. An interseting depiction of how society views violence and how quickly things can get complicated. Thumbs up for David Cronnenberg's film.


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