US Trip pics
A gorilla's foot at Busch Gardens zoo...

This pigeon would always stay by my window at around 4 PM. My office btw, is on the 5th floor and our building was the only building in Cape Coral that had more than 2 floors thus making it the skyscraper in the area...

Like I said, the whole area was flat...

Did you say panther? What the...

This was during the roadtrip while on the way to San Francisco from Bakersfield. Nothing really special except several miles of cow beside the road. I dont care what kind of airconditioning you've got in your car but it's gonna stink, so watch out for this in case you pass by this route...

Some protesters in SF making their voices heard. Now if these were college kids, it would've been more interesting...

Mandatory tourist spot in SF. Just doing my duty as a tourist...

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