Project Blues
Its saturday afternoon and I'm still at the office working. Been preparing some stuff for the go live on Monday. Finally, one of my projects will roll out to Production. My boss is here as well, not really doing anything but I guess he felt he should support the team on this weekend work day.
I have a whole team of people from Vietnam working on the final modifications, and 4 other people here prepping up things from our side. The truth is, with the speed things are moving right now, we probably wont be able to deploy by end of day today. But I am not really complaining too much. I have virtually done what it was that I hated most when I was doing consulting work - that is to creep some new scope into projects. I must've inserted at least 15 man-days worth of work to this 25 man-day project and only extending the schedule by 8 days.
We got a lot of features and functionality into this darn thing. I remember yesterday when I was talking to the Project Manager from Vietnam and they were trying to be tough with me, telling me that no more changes would be done, etc.. there's a part of me that feels a bit guilty but I guess that's how it is since I am now a client. I've just been through some really tough shit as a consultant and now I know exactly what it is that I demand for as a client.
The wife is starting to give me the cold shoulder already. Havent been able to spend enough time with her and the daughter lately. And now I'm working on a Saturday with a good prospect of returning here tomorrow. Sigh.