Scout Investiture
Last Saturday was my daughter's star scout investiture at OB Montessori. I actually sprained my back the previous day at Basketball, but my wife still forced me to go. Not that I didn't want to go of course. My back was really killing me. I couldn't stand up, and I couldn't even sit straight. The embarassing thing was, this wasn't really technically strained from playing ball but actually after the game. I was sitting my ass and resting since the game was over. Nothing felt wrong. No pain. No discomfort. And then I stood up and picked up my bag in the same motion. Suddenly there was this sharp pain at my tailbone. Fuck!
Anyway, like I've said in my previous posts... and as any married man would know, there is no point in arguing against your wife, or with a woman for that matter. To borrow from Chris Rock, "Men are naturally handicapped when it comes to arguments, because men need to make sense. Women won't let a small thing like 'sense' fuck up their argument."
I popped 2 pain killers and off we went. It wasn't that bad. I mean it's not like I didn't want to go. Wait. Havent I said that before? Anyway... it wasn't entirely boring. Got to meet some young parents. When I say "meet", I meant I was oggling of course. They were sitting there minding their own business, or minding their kid... and I was busy checking them out.There was a demo from the Tae Kwan Do Philippine team. Of course the kids enjoyed it, but it reinforced my perception of how fucking crappy that martial art is. You could think that maybe the Philippine Team was the only one crappy, and maybe the other National teams from the neighboring countries were better. But don't we win medals around asia in that sport? I have only been boxing for about a month now and I havent even started doing Muay Thai but (and I say this with consideration of the medals they've won), I would've kicked the spaghetti out of those cock suckers.
And then there was this guy who swore in all the star scouts... poor bald guy was made to wear a dead fox on his head. I'm sure he was thinking "Christ! How did I let them convince me into doing this? It's not even lunch time and I already look like a dufus!"
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