Saturday, September 02, 2006

Road to 190 (Day 1)

About a week ago, I blew a tire just 50 or so meters after leaving my gate. I had to change tires and while jacking the car up, the thing slipped and I scraped my knuckles on the asphalt road. Mostly just scratches, but I also got a pretty nasty but small cut. Had to wait for it to fully heal.

And so today, I finally decided to go to the boxing gym. Been planning to for several months now, but was only able to buy my very own glove some weeks ago... and then the scraping accident. Anyway, I was pretty pumped up to start. Excited even. So after the stretching, my trainer decided to start off with lioght sparring in the ring since the floor was a bit crowded. We did three rounds up there. After the first, I was pretty ok. I was getting compliments for knowing how to throw a punch with power. Of course I did. I did some real punching back in the day. And without the gloves.

Second round came and I felt my knuckles beginning to hurt. Third round, and I was panting like a motherfucker. I had hand wraps around my knuckes, and a pair of leather gloves. My trainer was wearing those cushion pads in his hands, and still everytime I was trying to hit with force, I felt my knuckles twitch. It really puts things in perspective when you remember seeing all those pro boxers hit the heavy bag like a battering ram.

And then 3 rounds of speed ball and 3 rounds on the heavy bag. By this time, I was hitting the bag like a fairy. Worse part was, I was doing this beside a skinny guy standing around 5'2", who was fucking swinging his heavy bag with left hooks. Fucking pathetic!

Then we did 3 rounds on the medicine ball, and then the ab workout. For the love of god, I have never been so fucking humiliated inside a gym. A girl who was doing the same routine was outlasting me. I would stop on the 13th count primarily because I couldn't breathe and she would go on to 20. We did about 8 sets of different ab routines. I thought I was gonna die. Nothing jolts the reality of being fat and out of shape to your face better than feeling you are about to die while doing an exercise.

I dont really know how I let myself go like this for so long. I went up to the scale and was kinda shocked. Ever since the scale in the house broke, I always thought I weighed the same when it was still working. I was 205lbs at my heaviest. And I thought this was the heaviest I've ever been. Well, it turns out I was dead wrong. I am now actually 215lbs.

By the time I took the gloves and the wraps off. My knuckles were red and sore. The ice tray will be empty tonight!

So I am taking this fucking thing very seriously, and very personal. Im gonna fucking sweat and bleed to drop my weight to 190lbs by Christmas and this will be a solid commitment. My blog shall bear witness... and so ends Day 1 of my new quest.


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