Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Change of perspective

The great Fred Brooks once said:

"The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding what to build. No other part of the conceptual work is as difficult in establishing the detailed technical requirements, including the interfaces to people, to machines, and to other software systems. No other part of the work so cripples the results if done wrong. No other part is more difficult to rectify later. Therefore, the most important function that the software builder performs for the client is the iterative extraction and refinement of the product requirements."

It really is true. Anyone who has done any consulting work even if it's not in IT can truly vouch for this. And for the first time in my life, I am now on the other side of the table as 'the client'. I am not really quite sure if I'm enjoying this change of perspective. I know I still have that consutling instinct specially when I talk to vendors now and itnernally quickly assess how I would do their presentation differently or maybe better.

But I guess this is really a breath of fresh air. Consulting/Sales can really be despicable. Specially if you've ever tried to sell anything to the Government. I've always known how deals are made there, but it's different when you're seeing it first-hand. As one colleague once quiped over a couple of beers, "Dito lang naman talaga ako natutong maging talamak."


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