Saturday, April 22, 2006

Closure and Unpaid Day-Offs

Finally, I did my last presentation/defense for my big project bid. I cant beleive how long this has dragged on. It will be close to 1 year now since we first started pursuing this. So many delays, so many issues, so much politics. Christ... it feels so draining to try to sell and win these things.

Now there is nothing left but to submit the proposal. All that's left to do is write 50 page document complete with diagrams, charts, spreadhseets, and essays that will hopefully convince several old farts to part away with P50M. Heck, after what I've been through... this will be a piece of cake. Of course, we have to make sure that the bank approves the leasing agreement for 200 servers and then come up with a deployment plan for a nationwide upgrade, but what's really new with all these?

I'm beginning to feel a little jaded after that last round of Q&A at the conference room. I'm just glad that we're finally done with it. And now I just want to know if we will win or not, then move on. Finally get a closure. No more of that hanging shit when we thought this would be shelved indefinitely.


Colleague from big blue invited me to a cocktail party at greenbelt for their clients. I happily went along knowing that we at least get to end this day right... with free flowing alcohol. Of course, I knew I had to punch in for my night shift later. But I guess priorities are priorities so I went ahead to the bar to unwind. Went home and slept for an hour or two. Powered up the PC to check what I missed on the first 3 or so hours at work. And then drove to work at around 1:00 AM.

I guess one of the drawbacks to earning a huge amount of money every month is that it corresponds also to a big daily/hourly rate. And so it becomes more and more difficult to take unpaid leaves, since the corresponding deduction is no longer that negligible. And when you really go on and think about it... taking a day off now suddenly doesnt seem to be worth the pay cut. Sucks to be on probation. But I only have 1 more month to go and the benefits start kicking in. And then I'm gonna milk this job for all it's worth...


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